Friday, September 28, 2012

PL [step-outline]

Paper love
Family eating dinner, all of which are wearing paper bags on their head with faces on them. Parents having small talk as the daughter sits the farthest away.

Establishes the characters and their choice to wear bags on their heads. Incorporating the unknown.  Also reveals the rift between the daughter and parents as she is distanced away.
Father turns to daughter and she conveys how she wants to have a boyfriend and go on a date. Father drops fork into meal and they both stare surprised at her. Conflict where in the daughter wants to go on a date but the father is doubtful. Tense mood revealed through the dramatic utensil dropping.
Father agrees under the condition that he must meet the boyfriend in person. for the boy might not be truly accepting of her.Quick resolution and shows the character struggle.
She goes to school with a bag on her head and meets him there. Hugs and promises to reunite later.Shows relationship and shows a strong bond between them.
Boy walks into house and notices peculiarity of the house with its abundance of paper bags on everything. Boy is afraid but handles the fathers questioning to go out.Setting is established as it defines the character and her ability to own everything “paper bag related.” Also shows desire to overcome the father and be able to date the daughter.
Sitting on the beach looking at the sky. Boy and girl asks why she wears the bag on her head. She explains that her family suffers from a severe case of chronic facial ugliness type II. (deformed face?)Romantic mood until the boy desires to see her face where time stops and she reflects on her life.
boy wants to see face, and demands her to take it off if she’s at all interested him. She explains how that is something she cannot due, and she apologizes.Obstacle that she does not want to reveal her face but decides that their relationship is futile.
crying scene and looks over at a clock that reads 3:00 AM. looks at picture of her and the guy. cries in her pillow and looks away. Girl is sad and shows that she feels guilty about the fact she can’t show her face.
girl walking up a lot stairs (stairs representing something) all the while the boy is trying to find her by visiting her house and looking for her. she makes it to the top of the hill and stares off into the sky. a longing paper bag face. Different settings create a chaotic and fact paced scene where both characters are struggling without each other.
about to take the bag off her head until she turns around because she hears her name being called and sees the boy walking to her.the audience desires to see her face but is quickly thwarted when the boy comes to rescue her.
boy comes up the stairs and sees her out of breath. Him holding a paper bag in his hand and going up to her and taking his bag and putting it on. Putting on bag shows their relationship having grown stronger and how they are in love. The goal finally being reached where they date each other.
Holding hands and them staring into each other with lovey-dovey hearts and they happily sit down and stare at the city together. In love, and ends with them being content to each other. the happy ending.

           Incorporation of 10 Themes
(setting, character, mood, time, goal, relationships, obstacle, the unknown, backstory,
                                  and discovery.) 

  The settings are in a family environment and the modern day high school. It provides an airy and light heated setting for the comedic plot.
 Because the character is much different from the rest of society, she acts different in the way that she is shy and quite often sensitive.
 Several conflicts such as the dinner scene and walk up the hill change the mood of the story.
 A chronological structure, retelling the story of a man and his struggle to accept his girlfriend.
 The relationship accept where she wants to be accepted by him and vice versa.
 The budding love between the boy and the bag lady.
 How he wants to see her face but she suffers from chronic ugly.
8.The Unknown
 The fact that they're wearing bags on their head
  Dinner scene revealing a family issue.
  When he comes back to her wearing a bag mask. 


  1. The sounding of a very sweet film. The outline shows the many themes of storytelling and allows the audience to pick them out. The paper bag family creates an unknown feeling which I think is the great. I feel that the film has a very a very good plot, with a certain twist. I look forward to its production.

  2. I feel the paper bags were a great way of incorporating the unknown. The themes were very outlined through both the chart, and the list. Therefore incorporating them in film shouldn't be too difficult. The plot itself I found very amusing, however I think you have a few setting conflicts that weren't very clear. First off they're on the beach, then she's in her room, afterwards climbing what I believe to be an infinite staircase, and she comes out on top of a hill. Then the boy approaches her from who knows where, and then they stare at the city. One more thing you might look at to save you some problems in production, if you're establishing the scene at 3:00 AM, it would be difficult to film this scene if it were outdoors. Do they both live in an apartment? Maybe the setting was the only thing unclear. If it was better stated, then I would probably understand.

  3. I love the intro!!! It really grabs the audiences attention and really establishes the unknown.The overall story is very suspenseful and you do an amazing job on building it up to a climax.I like the character you created with the girl with a paper bag, the audience is really able to sympathize for her through out the story. The relationship between the girl and her boyfriend is lovely and is very likable, the ending contributes to love theme . This plot is adorable and establishes some fresh ideas, it breaks away from the original romantic films and cliche boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.I really hope you stick with this story!!

  4. Throughout your story there were many great elements, making your overall plot both interesting and compelling. The way you incorporated your source of dramatic intent further demonstrates the protagonist's internal conflict with her, per say, "ugliness". I think the way you used the paper bags as an interesting factor within your storyline was a great way to incorporate the element of unknown, giving viewers the opportunity to question why they are doing this causing them to read on. I enjoyed reading this because this story truly brings out many life lessons and morals.

  5. I liek. The concept is original, a bit reminiscent of a short film whose name I can't remember for the life of me (about a man who wears a different mask for each person with whom he interacts) in that they both portray the unusual as decidedly ordinary. I found the "chronic facial ugliness type II" pretty funny, too. However, the best thing about your outline is that it's actually plausibly executable. A lot of concepts I've seen are rendered null just because of our (students') lack of resources. Your concept, if used, could probably turn out very well.

  6. I like the concept of the paper bag family and I feel your step outline conveys many great and compelling features. The paper bags create this sense of the unknown, which is nice in a romantic piece (since I think they're usually just too laid out in stone). You go girl!
