Monday, September 24, 2012

Characterization blog

MR. BEAN a.k.a. Rowan Atkinson 

     One of the most influential British comedies during the time Mr. Bean is a compilation of small skits performed by the quirky and rather odd character Mr. Bean. Mr. Bean is characterized as a not so bright young man who deals with impeccable situations using only his wits to out-maneuver them... which ultimately lands him in even more trouble. I will be focusing on one of his acts entitled "taking the stairs".In this scene he decides not to take the elevator and instead travels by stairs. On his way down he encounters an old senior citizen slowly making her way downstairs. Trying to reach the first floor, Mr. Bean creatively comes up with alternate situations to deal with the obstacle. 
wardrobe : Consisting of only an outdated tweed suit, white long sleeve blouse, and a tie; Mr. Bean encompasses the ideal image of the ordinary and simple man. It's the fact that he wears nothing else but this that adds to his character. He posses a nerd-like charm that makes him favorable and victim to the cliched obstacles. He also wears a short hair style and a combover, giving off that impression of a child. Much throughout the story he can be understood as a child in a man's body. 

Mr. Bean dissatisfied and referencing
 to the shower-stabbing scene in film. 
body language/persona: Mr. Bean uses body language as the primary way to reveal his emotions and his further ideas. He does not speak often during the shorts, and when he does they are usually low incoherent mumbles. However he uses his arms, his expressions, his entire body to reveal emotion. For example when he sees the elevator closed his face scrunches up and the wrinkles become more defined, he also waves his arms around in dissatisfaction. He'll also stick his tongue out or move around exuberantly to show how active and fidgety he is as a character. And because he's so enigmatic the audience enjoy his reaction to real-life issues. 

Mr. Bean tries to take the stairs seeing that it's the quickest route to the main floor but is stopped in his tracks by an old woman racing down the stairs at a speed of 0.00000000000001 mph. His goal is to surpass the grandmother down the stairs.

Grandma refuses to give way and unknowingly blocks Mr. Bean. The character accompanied by a light and airy cheerful song, tries his best to cut her off. He runs down the corridor and runs down 2 flights of stairs only to end up behind her still. He tries to go around the side of her, but grandma is using two hands on the railings. Mr. Bean must also resist the urge to push her down the many flights of stairs, so finally decides to hang from the ledges to cut her off. 

As stated previous Mr. Bean climbs over the railings and lands right in front of the woman. He celebrates and quickly turns to find himself behind yet another citizen,and unfortunately this time he can't escape and agonizingly walks slowly between them. 

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