Monday, September 3, 2012

10 Themes of Storytelling

Ron Howard and many other top notch photographers out there in the world have collaborated to capture on camera moments that portray a certain theme in Canon's project "imagination". I have looked through all themes and find that some images do a better job than others, and I can explain the reasoning behind my thoughts. 
I. Mood (conveys atmosphere, tone, or emotion)
Howard creates a theme limited to any image that conveys a deeper subtext or meaning through the use of emotion or atmosphere. 
I believe that this image to my left conveys the elements of mood. At first glance this image seems nothing more than a random individual wading in a considerably shallow lake. Despite the obvious, a subtle atmosphere is conveyed through the photographer's choice of wide lens. They choose not to focus on close ups of the character because it may reveal emotions that contrast to the relaxing setting. Since the image reveals a long strip of horizontal trees and a tranquil lake it can be conceived that the image is serene and calming. Not only that but the comparison of nude flesh and green and blue create a very complementary tone, showing how different these aspects bring the photo together. 
II. Goal (whatever the character is pursuing) 
Howard's theme expresses great tribulation caused by a character and that which they cannot reach entirely. 
     A couple, both disabled and not as young as they used to be, are seen braving the perilous flight of stairs. The shot captures them as their canes are seen hovering signaling that their goal is to reach the top stairs. The use of a high angle position makes the people look more fragile and innocent. Also, while following the rule of thirds, our focus is directed on the old man walking up the stairs showing once again their goal. Also the visual vectors within the image show a sense of depth along the x-axis. Using the the people in the foreground to block the shot, the x-axis reveals the incredulous depth from where they stand and the younger families in front. 

III. Backstory (A history that promotes fuller understanding of the narrative)
Howard describes an image that contains an even more complex structure behind it often addressing a theme or a morale.
Through the use of foreground and background, it already reveals a common theme of the haphazard reality of a city jungle. Take into consideration that vertical shots that reveal depth on the y axis often are used to show action and liveliness. The lighting also plays an important role because it attract attention to the object signs saying "one way". In my opinion, having two signs point at different directions yet close to each other reveal a sense of confusion and insecurity. In a sense the crossroads in which the viewer cannot seem to choose a selected path. Also the selective focus of the signs and the building make the city seem less large and more closely built together. This can make the buildings more appealing to the eye and not focus entirely on the foreground. 

IV. Character (can be anything or anyone)
Howard reflects on the significance of a character's own personality being captured on camera.  

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and fear not young ones for the multitudes of chins on this woman do nothing more than add to her encompassing radiance. The selective focus of the girl reveals her silliness while hugging a tree (...i don't understand either) and contorting her face to impecable measures. Through this medium shot we characterize this girl as simply wanting to have fun without concern. A sort of kindred spirit within a black and white world. The natural lighting form the sun also helps to give the image a more earthly feel (bad pun) and makes the image less forced. The blurry background also allow the foreground to pop more, and make the audience feel a little bit enthusiastic about life. 

V. Obstacle (anything or anyone in the character's way)
The theme addresses an obstacle that an identity must overcome in order to achieve their goals, simply put a conflict.

There is no need to dig deep and get your hands dirty trying to find the conflict in this image (i'll stop with the bad puns). A narrow focus reveals the detailed image of a dung beetle trying to move it's "property" that's twice it's own weight. Our eyes being focused to the giant bundle because of the rule of thirds.  This is a normal angle, and it allows the audience to sympathize and/or 
understand the beetle's struggle. Also this captures the vector of motion as it shows the beetle's hind legs pushing the ball of "goodness" around the dirt floor. 

VI. Relationship (a relationship between anyone or anything) 
Howard allows for a vague theme that can show any form of relationship between any two living or nonliving objects.

Take for example the incredibly asian couple standing awkwardly together. The wide angle of the camera reveals much more than their silly pose, but how they contrast against the calm lush forest. Having the characters placed in the middle of the shot also did well to focus our attention to them, showing the relationship they have with one another. Also exemplified by the the emotional reactions on both of their faces; clearly a combination of pure bliss and rambunctiousness. This image did well to capture the apparent love relationship between these two people. 

VII. Setting (any location or environment )
Theme that can reveal the circumstances of an environemtn or bring elements of a story based on location. 

Endless corridors and ancient rustic doorways reveal a very ominous sense of premonition. The pillars in the hall to bring depth to the z-axis and thus creating a long narrowing hallway. The setting can be seen as an old victorian style housing, or maybe an old fashioned castle that hasn't been touched by human hands in decades. Also the colors in the image make the shot seem dark as it uses colors that do not clash with the theme. Also the focus is set on the foreground and the mid ground ceiling ornament allowing a deeper sense of emotion and a more mysterious atmosphere. 

VII. The Unknown (can be anything unexpected, a twist )
A theme that can express something out of the ordinary and break the standards of the regular structures of life. 
The only thing I want to know is where did you get those pants and are you sure they come in my size? 
That's it, Mr. Bigue please send me my IB diploma. :) I'm joking of course, there's just so much to this photo that draws out questions (and quite possibly concerns). Let's discuss the elements of this image please. This shot is full a body allowing the audience to gawk at those ridiculously fluorescent pants, which do well to contrast with not only his top layers but the background. The photographer does well to focus on the rule of thirds as one of the points of intersection lay on the androgynous face.  Also there is a light coming from the left side of their face, most likely on purpose to create more of an emotional image.Speaking of the face the lack of emotion provide a certain cockiness or "wow. i'm so cool. refrain from taking pictures please."  Or most likely it shows an insecurity in the ability of being their true self.

VII. Time (represents time of day or within history )
Compels the audience to understand how and when the photo was taken plays a significant role in theme of time within the image. 

The use of lighting in the image provides a gloomy perspective to a none other sad day in history. The warm orange colors provide a sense of searing passion or reverence for the object. Paying attention to detail, hidden in the dimly lit newspaper stand is an article that read "John Lennon slain." Also the angle was taken at a high perspective, kind of looking down at an image revealing a sort of flashback to a previous time in history. Finally the rule of thirds, align the shot to focus on the text causing the shift in focus to the newspaper and once again revealing an element of time within the picture. 

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